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150 Alcons Reinforce Domingo Concert

With the jubilee edition of “Klassik Picknickt” (“Classic Picknicks”), the Saxonian Staatskapelle (“State Capelle“) Dresden and the Gläserne Manufaktur (“Glass Factory”) celebrated their ten-year partnership on June 2017.

Plácido Domingo presented over 10,000 listeners on the Cockerwiese pieces of Verdi, Tchaikovsky and Bizet. The company B-EST from Dresden, as a technical service provider, used the large-format LR18 pro-ribbon line-array system from Dutch premium manufacturer Alcons Audio.

The 150-loudspeaker soundsystem was supplied by Profi Musik from Lüneburg, the Ribbon Network partner (Alcons Audio’s dry-hire network). Hendrik Pfeiffer, System Technician of Halle-based company event-net GmbH, said: “The wind is dealt with surprisingly good. I would have expected it to be much worse. You know the sound quickly deteriorates under such conditions, but the LR18 covers the 60, 70 meters really well, despite the strong side wind.”

In addition to the main PA, two delay lines were also used to cover the area of a total length of 140 meters. The main sound system consisted of two times 18 pieces of LR18 pro-ribbon line arrays. The first delay line comprised 4 towers, equipped with a combination of Alcons LR16 and LR16B pro-ribbon line-arrays. For the second delay line, a further 4 towers were fitted with Alcons LR14 pro-ribbon line-arrays. For the outfills Pfeiffer and his Berlin colleague Uwe Biesgen from Creativsound relied also on Alcons LR14. As nearfills, they choose the Alcons VR8 point-source system in combination with Alcons BF362 subwoofers as bass support.

“Alcons always sounds outstanding, but plays its strengths especially in classic productions. At Klassik Picknickt, we have achieved a resolution with the LR18 under adverse conditions, which is very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with other systems. The system has an excellent high-frequency reproduction and throws very far. These are for me the points that make Alcons stand out from the competition.”

Stephan “Barfi” Barfknecht, Chief Sound Consultant and Leading Engineer at the FOH, said: “I’ve heard the LR18 here for the first time – the hammer. The pro-ribbon tweeters make the system open, honest and natural. If you have such a fine instrument, you can control it much better – a pleasure for every sound engineer. ” / /

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