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AC-ET Supplies Opera North with Complete Video System

The award-winning Opera North has called on the video division of A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd. to complete phase two of their upgrade, by supplying control and transmission equipment to work alongside the existing front end display system in the Howard Assembly Room, Leeds.

Back in 2014, Opera North approached AC-ET to supply the first part of the system upgrade – front end display. A Christie WU14K-M Series projector was selected because of its high performance, high efficiency and flexibility. At the same time an Audipak Silencer Housing was also installed to minimise the ambient noise levels of the projector within the auditorium.

Jamie Saye, Senior Technician, Opera North commented: “We were so pleased with the products and support AC-ET provided for the Howard Assembly Room previously, there was no question about using them again. It is incredibly convenient that they were able to provide the complete solution, from control through to transmission and display technologies.”

AC-ET has now supplied Opera North with the final elements to complete their project – the control and transmission equipment. This includes a Draper FocalPoint projection screen, Calibre HQView630A switcher/scaler, Ophit fibre transmitters and receivers, fibre optic cable from Universal Networks, and finally a dual HD-SDI input card for the Christie M-Series along with tourgrade HD-SDI cable for backup/redundancy.

Saye continued, “The completed system is brilliant and we are really looking forward to utilising it to its full potential. The Draper FocalPoint projection screen looks great and is extremely rigid and durable, whilst remaining lightweight. Stuart Burdett from AC-ET’s video division has been incredibly helpful with offering advice and sorting out demonstrations. He really helped me get my head around everything and made sure that what we were getting was fit for our purpose.”

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