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ADAM Audio Announces the Premiere of the ADAM Academy

ADAM Audio premieres the ADAM Academy, an informative video series on the company’s YouTube channel which provides all viewers from entry level audio students to skilled working professionals with valuable information, tips and tools that they can use to get the best performance from their loudspeaker monitor systems.

The ADAM Academy video content includes information and instruction from ADAM Audio company personnel as well as valuable tutorials on specific subjects from ADAM Audio customers who are celebrated in their respective fields.

ADAM Academy recent video topics include: How to Calibrate a Subwoofer; Studio Monitor Placement; Proper Monitor Maintenance & Cleaning; Mixing Rap and Hip Hop Master Class by Brooklyn-based hip hop producer and engineer Paul Womack; Audio Post; How to Mix Acoustic Sessions; How to Mix Live Sessions for Video  featuring engineer Eric Bastinelli;  How to Tune Drums; How to Mic Drums; Drum Editing in Pro Tools; Tips for Becoming a Successful Freelance Musician presented by Grammy-nominated bassist Jonathan Maron and Is Audio School Worth it?

“We started the ADAM Academy video series in order to assist our customers with having the tools and information which will allow them to get the best performance from their monitor systems,” said Christian Hellinger, ADAM Audio CEO. “Many of the ADAM Academy videos feature tips and techniques from many of our well-respected and talented ADAM Audio users, which really helps to foster the peer-to-peer sharing of best practices in the community.”

Future ADAM Academy topics will cover a variety of subjects such as:  Understanding the Importance of Frequency Charts, The Sonic Difference Between Vertical and Horizontal Monitors, Recording Studio Internships, The Importance of a Subwoofer, Burning In Monitors: Why it is Important Before Using them For Critical Listening.

The ADAM Academy videos can be found here.

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