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AED Launches Luxibel Mid-Air Disinfection System

'MADS' is made up of UVC ventilation cylinders that disinfect the air using UVC light technology. It has been specifically designed to cater for larger spaces.

AED Group has launched an innovative ‘Mid-Air Disinfection System’ (MADS) for the UK market under its Luxibel brand.

Developed since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it is made up of UVC ventilation cylinders that disinfect the air using UVC light technology. It has been specifically designed to cater for larger spaces with an audience where air circulation needs to be taken into account.

Glenn Roggeman, CEO of AED Group, used his knowledge of aerodynamics gained during his training as a helicopter pilot to drive the design forward. He comments: “This system sucks air breathed out by people into our aerodynamically-patented system. Micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses are neutralised, meaning germ-free air is blown back into the room.

“When we are able to meet up again in enclosed spaces with groups of people, air disinfection will contribute to reducing infection rates. I personally would also feel more comfortable and secure visiting locations that have this kind of system installed.”

Last week, Signify (formerly Philips Lighting) published the results of tests on UVC light on the coronavirus. According to researchers at Boston University, UVC has proven to be effective at eliminating coronavirus. Through scientific testing they concluded that UVC radiation is highly effective in neutralizing the coronavirus. There is no risk of harmful radiation to people, as Luxibel carries out the UVC disinfection process within a fully-enclosed device.

Roggeman emphasizes that UVC disinfection can be an important part of the multifaceted approach to combat COVID-19 and also hopes for a new perspective on the severely affected events and entertainment sector.

“In addition to the measures relating to social distancing, hand hygiene and the use of personal protection equipment, I am convinced that technological innovations can also contribute to better protection. In addition to the ‘Mid-Air Disinfection System’, I’ve also developed scanners which we at AED Studios will use to check the body temperature of every visitor at the start of an event. In this way we want to provide our studios with technology to protect our visitors as much as possible.”

The system has already been installed at AED’s Studio 6 in Lint, Belgium, helping to disinfect indoor air. This makes AED Studios the first event location in the world that disinfects the air in a room on a permanent basis using UVC light technology in the fight against COVID-19 and other viruses and bacteria.

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