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APG Appoints New Sales Engineer

APG, French loudspeaker manufacturer and inventor of the ‘Modular Line Array’ concept, has announced the appointment of Alexis Reymond as Sales Engineer for Western France and United Kingdom.

Based in Nantes (where the company is headquartered), Reymond will be head business development for both regions, as well as providing consultancy and technical support.

Having worked for many years as an audio consultant and auditor for the design of loudspeakers, providing sonic insight and expertise to public institutions and houses of worship. Reymond’s technical skills will directly benefit both APG partners and end users.

Reymond explained: “France’s Western region has very strong growth potential and already benefits from an active pool of users and a well-established partner network. A number of recent prestigious installations combined with satisfied end users are an excellent starting point for our growth in this region, allowing us to strengthen our partner network and increase the visibility of the APG brand. The UK also has great prospects in the short and medium term: in a market that is almost saturated by ubiquitous brands, the Brits have an entrenched audio culture, yet remain very open-minded when they see innovative and different products.”

Grégory Dapsanse, APG’s Marketing and Business Development Director, commented: “Alexis is a fantastic addition to our team. His appointment coincides with major growth for our brand, so we expect to further accelerate this trend. Alexis brings the perfect mind-set for our newly reorganised structure: his experience as both a sound engineer and a sound designer enhances our existing technical sales engineering team with an R&D background. Finally, Alexis brings an international dimension, allowing us to reach out to the UK.”

“I am very proud to join APG, a company that is renowned for its constant innovation and adaptability, without ever compromising on audio quality. APG is unique because it designs efficient solutions while keeping a transparent and friendly approach with its customers,” Reymond concluded.

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