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Arena Group Merges EMEA Divisions

Arena Group announces merger of UK & Europe and Middle East & Asia divisions.

The Arena Group has announced the merger of its UK & Europe and Middle East & Asia Divisions to form Arena EMEA.

Under this new structure, the MEA Division’s reputation for innovation and delivery of design led solutions, offering temporary architecture with a permanent feel, will be introduced into the UK. This will allow the business to focus on the core of its competitive advantage and deliver a consistent offering globally with a ‘joined-up’ approach to innovation, expertise, and knowledge.

Arena Group CEO, Greg Lawless.

Sadly, as a result of this merger, we will be losing the services of Chris Morris, CEO of the UK & Europe and Andrew Lawson, the head of the UK Structures and Ice business. Both Chris and Andrew will work with the new head of the EMEA, Paul Berger and Tom Evans, the new head of Structures and Ice, EMEA, to ensure a smooth transition from a customer and employee perspective.

Arena EMEA’s new structure is designed to leverage from one central pool of kit and talent that will be run by a consolidated EMEA management team. This shift will allow for maximum utilisation of resources across the EMEA region, whilst ensuring that the “Arena Standard” is consistently delivered from all our bases in the EMEA stretching from Korea to the UK.

Arena Group CEO, Greg Lawless commented: “We believe that the formation of one EMEA Division will create a stronger business, both commercially and financially, and this move will allow us to offer a more efficient and innovative turnkey service to our clients which is even more important in these difficult times for the global events market. Under this new structure, we will continue to develop the Arena Standard into a highly creative, design led model offering temporary architecture with a permanent feel to the marketplace.

Arena EMEA CEO, Paul Berger.

He added: “This will allow us to focus on what I believe we do better than anyone else – the delivery of exceptional temporary solutions that will continue to exceed our clients’ expectations. Finally, I would like to personally thank Chris and Andrew for their tremendous contribution and commitment to Arena UK & Europe Division over the past 18 months, and we wish them well as they move to the next stage of their careers.”

Paul Berger, the current CEO of Arena Middle East and Asia, has been appointed the Chief Executive Officer of Arena EMEA, and he will be responsible for overseeing the merger of the two businesses as well as implementing his vision for Arena’s future.

Berger commented: “This merger brings together the most talented people in the event services industry, creating a platform to cement and grow our business with existing clients, as well as taking advantage of the new opportunities that will present themselves during these difficult times.”


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