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Astera reveals new website

Astera launches a vibrant new multi-lingual website optimised for all devices.

Astera has launched a vibrant new multi-lingual website optimised for all devices, action packed with product information, full of technical specifications, news, tips and tricks, invaluable troubleshooting advice, including a wealth of information about the company.

Astera Sales Director, Sebastian Bückle commented: “Our objective was to empower our users by creating the smartest web page in the industry containing a mine of relevant information explaining products and answering all questions.”

Each Astera Accessory now has its own page with text, specifications, videos, pictures, downloads etc. which helps showcase the accessory and its capabilities and applications. A new Support section has a smart FAQ area with links to all the key places holding related information.

“We fully appreciate that technicians, gaffers, crew, and designers need to get good and accurate information in seconds, so we focused on embracing this with practical design and the streamlining of basic elements like the menu systems which are logical and intuitive,” noted Bückle. 

Astera Academy offers tutorials with chapters covering most features on all the products; The Astera User’s Group is replete with over 5,000 members; Interactive FAQ is a new intelligent chatbot, which responds with a predefined answer to typed-in questions. Other sections include Shopping Cart; a new Buy & Rent page and a News section

“We want to make sure everyone can fully understand and appreciate the scope of the products and their features, and while translating the website is a vast amount of work, we have a great team who come from our industry and know all the right terms, lingo and colloquialisms in each language,” stated Bückle, who highlighted the websites multilingual interface. “Building a big website like this from scratch has involved a lot of energy, commitment, and resources, but it will save time for the whole Astera community in the long run.”

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