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Broadway’s Caroline, or Change relies on Royer Lanbs R-121 ribbon mics

Producer/Engineer, Elliot Scheiner uses Royer R-121 ribbon microphones on Broadway’s stage rendition of Caroline, or Change.

Producer/Engineer Elliot Scheiner, harnessed Royer Labs R-121 ribbon microphones to capture a string quartet performing as part of the Broadway musical Caroline, or Change.

Based on the book and lyrics by Tony Kushner, with music by Jeanine Tesori, Caroline, or Change is set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Kennedy assassination and the Civil Rights Movement. The show uses fantasy and reality to explore a story about ordinary people facing extraordinary change.

Scheiner discussed his experience capturing the music using his Royer ribbons. “For this project, I used two R-121s on the violins and a third R-121 on the viola,” Scheiner explained. “The Royer R-121 has an awesome threshold. From no level to extreme level, the R-121 showed the attack of the strings. I set the instruments at one fader setting and never had to touch them again. There was no EQ in the circuit — I recorded them ‘flat’ and captured the instruments exactly as they originally sounded.”

Talking about his long history with Royer, Scheiner said: “I’ve been using R-121s for over 15 years. I use them for capturing strings, as drum overheads, on electric and acoustic guitars, and often to record piano and upright bass. They’re very reliable and strong – I’ve never once had a problem with them, and I’ve never used EQ on them. The R-121 Is the best ribbon mic there is. Before starting a new project, I always call the studio I’m working in to find out if they have any R-121s. If not… I bring my own.”

Before turning his attention back to the business of the day, Scheiner offered a final thought on his experience with the microphone manufacturer. “Royer Labs is an exceptional company, and their R-121 is a direct reflection of that. You just can’t go wrong with a Royer.”

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