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Caparezza Tours with dBTechnologies

Caparezza Performing at Villafranca di Verona with dBTechnologies VIO L212 Line Arrays

A dBTechnologies VIO L212 active line array system, complemented by VIO S218 active subwoofers, was the main PA for Italian artist Caparezza’s outdoor 2018 tour.

For the debut date at the Sherwood Festival, the PA setup consisted of two hangs of 16 VIO L212 top modules, with an additional eight VIO L210 modules used as front-fill and 24 VIO S218 active subs in a cardioid configuration, controlled remotely by the Aurora Net software.

“I had the opportunity to listen to the VIO L212 while it was still in the testing phase,” commented Antonio Porcelli, FOH engineer for Caparezza’s live shows and head of audio for the production for the tour. “I have to say that this system won me over immediately, even though I had never worked with dBTechnologies systems before.”

Porcelli continued: “In the following months I got to know dBTechnologies better as a company and I was impressed by the team of people behind the product, both for their competence and willingness to work together with customers. After several listening sessions, I knew that VIO was the perfect system for the big venues in Italy, both arenas and festivals, and therefore also for Caparezza’s outdoor tour.

At the first venue, I had the opportunity to experiment and explore the potential of the PA system in a non-standard context, with a park that extends very deep. Now I can say that I made the right choice and that VIO L212 is the best system we’ve used so far for any of Caparezza’s live shows.”

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