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CHAUVET Professional Forgoes Prolight + Sound 2020 and Expands its Global Roadshow Schedule

CHAUVET Professional will not take part in Frankfurt’s Prolight + Sound tradeshow, rescheduled to May 26th from an original kickoff of March 31st. Instead, the brand will be focusing on the European leg of its planned and Force of Nature road show. The decision to skip PL+S is due to scheduling conflicts, said Michael Brooksbank, General Manager of Chauvet Europe.

“We will miss connecting with our friends and industry peers at PL+S, and certainly wish we could have accommodated the change in schedule, but have decided to forge ahead with ongoing commitments to more intimate and targeted outreach efforts in Europe.”

A multi-country road show, Force of Nature kicks off in the USA in March then moves on to multiple cities in Europe to offer hands-on product experiences and a prime opportunity to engage with CHAUVET Professional product specialists and developers. The tour’s moniker evokes the four natural elements (water, earth, air and fire) to herald new IP65 products (symbolized by Water), eco-minded LED fixtures (represented by Earth), wireless solutions (using Air as a metaphor) and the power (Fire) of new Maverick moving head fixtures.

“The Force of Nature road show will give customers an under-the-hood look at new products and technologies we’d typically unveil at Frankfurt,” Brooksbank said. “Although we’ll certainly miss the crowds, the camaraderie and the special energy of PL+S, we are looking forward to saying hello to old friends, meeting new ones on the road, and to receiving the crucial customer input and feedback we thrive on.”

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