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Chyron launches PRIME VSAR 1.8

Chyron's new PRIME VSAR 1.8 release aims to set a new standard in simplifying virtual production workflow and access.

Chyron has unveiled version 1.8 of PRIME VSAR, which merges the cutting-edge graphics of Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 with Chyron’s built-for-broadcast design, editorial, and live production capabilities to radically simplify virtual production. 

Enhancements in PRIME VSAR 1.8 offer simple, unfettered access to Unreal Engine 4.27 and its extensive design features, alongside new built-in production tools that reduce the time, skill, and effort required for key tasks such as chroma keying, trackless camera control, and virtual scene creation.

“PRIME VSAR is unique in its ability to simplify and de-skill the process of virtual production, and version Version 1.8 continues that tradition of simplicity,” said Mathieu Yerle, Chyron Senior Vice President of Strategy. “This release offers simplified assets, control interfaces, and newsroom workflows that make it easy to bring graphics to life in a live production environment. Even more important, it constitutes a unique approach to Unreal-based virtual production. PRIME VSAR 1.8 provides an exceedingly intuitive driver’s seat and dashboard from which to drive the Unreal Engine to create stunning, lifelike graphics.”

Like previous versions, the 1.8 release builds upon PRIME VSAR’s easy-to-repurpose graphic assets, template-based workflows optimised for producers and journalists, and straightforward control interfaces for live virtual production. Highlights of the new release include the following: Unreal Engine 4.27, a new Chroma key control interface, trackless camera control from the newsroom and Simplified virtual scene elements.

Chyron has added more easy-to-repurpose scene elements to the PRIME VSAR 1.8 graphics library to give users more template-based design options in a scene. For instance, the new Billboard With Shadows effect for trackless camera shots within PRIME VSAR 1.8 makes it easy to create scenes with dynamic light and object shadows. Plus, a new AB Switch Wall Actor template offers straightforward creation of freeform wall meshes for presenting videos and images with simple AB switch playlist functionality.

Other key enhancements to PRIME VSAR 1.8 include an upgrade from Matrox HAL 9.6 to Matrox 10.2, with the latest driver offering native support for NDI signal connectivity. Additionally, the solution’s new API layer implementation lays the groundwork for simplified and custom control interfaces in future PRIME VSAR releases that further de-skill virtual production. Built on the gRPC protocol, the same foundation used across the PRIME Platform and Chyron LIVE to power simplified interfaces, this new API layer implementation brings Chyron solutions closer to a common content-control interface across all aspects of live production.

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