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Clair Brothers Crank Up the Beats at Tunisian EDM Festival

Photo Courtesy of Clair Brothers

Bringing together EDM artists local and international, The Fairground Festival is a festival based in Sousse, a town on the east coast of Tunisia. This past summer the festival hit a whole new level in just its fourth year, where more than seven-thousand attendees made their way to the festival.

For an event ranking strongly in the top 100 EDM festivals across Russia, Africa, India and the Middle East in 2019, it should come as no surprise that Clair Brothers loudspeakers were right at the center of it all.

This year’s Fairground theme was Amazing Culture and highlighted popular acts such as Giorgia Angiuli, Jan Blomqvist, ARTBAT & Tantsui, as well as thirty-six other electronic music artists including twenty-three artists from Tunisia.

The Clair Brothers gear was provided by Pro Audio & Light (PAL), Clair Brothers’ exclusive distributor in the region. On the main stage thirty-two C8 line arrays provided the overall sound, which according to Yasmine Bejaoui, stage manager at PAL is one of their best systems. She said: “Since we obtained this PA, it’s the one we highlight the most. And we only propose using it for big events that really deserve its power and delicacy – like Fairground.”

Along with C8s, four Clair Brothers CS118 subs, plus a host of custom subs, were called on to handle the massive low-end popular among EDM artists. On-stage sound was provided by four Clair Brothers 1.5AM monitors in tandem with the SD12 DiGiCo desk. The entire configuration was powered by the Powersoft Audio X-Series, X4 & X4L Amplifiers and a Waves MaxxBass bass enhancer processor.

Bejaoui elaborated: “The festival was spread over two days, in a huge arena called ‘ECO-VILLAGE’. This large area represented a much anticipated opportunity for PAL to install our entire inventory of C8 boxes. We’ve all been waiting for this! And since we introduced the Clair Brothers 1AM and 1.5AM stage monitors at events in the past, these speakers have become everyone in the Tunisian music industry’s favourite monitors.” Anis Ben Ammar, the promoter of Fairground Festival, added: “My team and I have always trusted PAL’s professionalism and expertise. The equipment choices they make for sound and lighting are always spot on. It’s why I’m in full support of whatever decisions they make. The sound of the music from this PA is really something special. PAL and Clair Brothers delivered once again.”

“The C8 has a rather special sound,” continued Bejaoui. “The truth is that the C8 system has become the dream of any sound engineer, musician and promoter in town. Even audiences are becoming conscious of the huge difference Clair Brothers speakers make. The point I’m making is that this PA has no competitor in the field, anywhere in Tunisia. I also want to mention that the C8 has great specifications besides the quality of its sound and intelligibility. Its rigging system is very well designed, easy and quick to assemble, which isn’t an asset found in other sound systems. Lastly, on behalf of all of us at Pro Audio & Light, we are honoured and thankful to be part of Clair Brothers family.”

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