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Clair Global Sends the Allen & Heath dLive on Tour with Fifth Harmony

Tour sound pioneer, Clair Global, is currently providing its services for Fifth Harmony’s 7/27 Tour throughout the US, selecting an Allen & Heath’s dLive digital mixing system, to manage FOH. The dLive system, comprising a S5000 Surface and DM64 MixRack with Dante card, was recently purchased and added to Clair Global’s rental inventory.

Matt Lawrence is Fifth Harmony’s FOH Engineer and has mixed the pop and R&B group’s highly-successful recent tours in Asia and South America. Lawrence chose the dLive for Fifth Harmony’s current tour which celebrates their second album, 7/27, released in May. The US tour started in July and will continue through fall with shows in Canada, Mexico and Europe.

With five singers, extensive choreography, a live band and recorded tracks, Fifth Harmony’s show is fast-moving and exciting, and gives Lawrence the opportunity to make good use of the dLive’s digital mixing power. “The console gives me freedom,” he said. “With the drag-n-drop screens I can put anything anywhere and mold it to my style of mixing.” Lawrence uses the dLive’s 16T and multi-band compressors along with its input channel EQ to blend Fifth Harmony’s vocals and put each singer “in the pocket.” He records performances to a Waves Tracks Live rig via the dLive’s Dante card and plays it back for a “virtual sound check” during setups. He says the dLive’s sound quality is, “warm like analog,” and commented, “I couldn’t be more excited to go on tour with this band and this desk!”

Justin Weaver, Account Executive at Clair Global says the company’s engineers were very impressed with the dLive’s intuitive setup and great sound and they were happy to provide it for the Fifth Harmony tour. The dLive has been added to Clair Global’s rental inventory and Weaver says, “I can see this going out on many more Clair tours.”

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