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Clear Lines With GLP impression X4 Bars

GLP’s impression X4 Bars - Michael Patrick Kelly Tour

GLP’s impression X4 Bars and impression X4 atom were used for Michael Patrick Kelly’s current DVD production, with the concept team consisting of HELL, Director Kim Frank and Kelly himself.

“It was not until the end of April that HELL received the request from production and lighting designer Bertil Mark,” recalled Nik Evers, of HELL. “So we did not have much time to complete the visual part of the upcoming DVD production.” In addition to Evers, Philip Hillers and Timo Martens also make up the HELL network for stage, light design and motion graphics, which was founded in 2015. With locations in Berlin, Wuppertal and Zurich, the partnership offers expertise, creativity and always new designs for its customers.

Working in close communication with Directors Frank and Kelly, HELL’s team developed a very clear and cubic-looking stage and lighting design, in which the GLP impression X4 Bars played an essential role. “With the Bars, we have visually expanded the clear structure of the set and the architecture of the stage,” explained Evers. Arranged in three large squares above the stage, the agile Bars gave the set a clear, well-defined structure, creating spaces and accentuating areas on the stage.

The GLP impression X4 Bars have long been part of the lighting designer’s toolbox and a total of 72 GLP impression X4 Bar 20 were used in the DVD production. It’s not just the effects that Evers appreciated, but also the ability to bring objects and dynamics together in a very special way. “With the impression X4 Bars I can create structures and images, give a set or a stage an architecture that will never be lost, no matter whether I use the Bars as a light source or as part of the installation,” stated Evers. “With conventional moving lights, such a thing would never be possible, as at the end of the day it is just a collection of individual lamps. The impression X4 Bars are quite different because of their design alone.”

In addition to the set, the ultra-compact GLP X4 atom was also pressed into service for the front light, which was installed to light the artists from the ground. Evers continued: “Unlike the Bars, the X4 atom was a pure tool. That’s exactly what I appreciate these little lamps for. They are simple and unobtrusive, but they give a fantastic light. Installed directly in front of the artists, this does not create the impression of having gone to a huge, technical effort. On the contrary, the X4 atom remains completely unobtrusive.”

The end result was an overall mix of live images, a light production and specially produced content for the recording. Evers’ idea had been to embed the music of Michael Patrick Kelly in a modern look.

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