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CuePilot: A new way of working with live video

Having harnessed the workflow with Scorpions, Manfred Nikitser encourages others to consider CuePilot for their next project. Photo: CuePilot

If you look at the changing working practices of crew over the decades, one clear trend is the amount of offline work that happens between shows. From audio engineers using virtual sound checks to hone their mixes to lighting designers using pre-visualisation software – and more recently VR – to ensure that their show looks perfect before an artist even walks on the stage. One department where this level of preparation outside show hours doesn’t exist to the same extent is within video – specifically when it comes to live camera feeds for IMAG content. However, this may be about to change with CuePilot – a pioneering production workflow for planning and delivering live camera cuts. 

This article originally appeared in issue #271 of TPi, which you can read here.

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