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d3 plays key role in Brit Awards 2017

The BRIT Awards 2017 Photo Credit: John Marshall -

The 37th edition of the annual Brit Awards, held at London’s O2 Arena. The iconic pop music awards used three d3 4x4pro media servers for the video mapping of the show’s extensive and dynamic content.

The set used a false perspective stage with catwalks to a second stage in the centre of the arena. The main stage screens, catwalks, second stage, Kabuki and roller screens were all modelled and set up in d3.

“We’ve used d3 on this kind of show a number of times now, and have an established workflow which incorporates the d3 process,” said Chris Saunders, Managing Director at Ogle Hog Ltd. “The ability to pre-program the show in advance was a significant part of the process.”

Saunders reported that d3’s “pre-visualisation features were heavily used to communicate the design to the rest of production in the run up to the show. These renders were also sent to the lighting team with timecode stripes, giving them an opportunity to consider the video design, whilst they work on the lighting design for the show. Being able to preview programming with the visualiser for the artists offline also allowed us to maximize the time used in rehearsals.”

“On site d3 was fast to program, and the new Multi Transport system played a huge role in the way this show was programmed. The d3 Support was great, too – we had two members of the d3 team onsite for a show of this size.” Saunders noted.

“Notch integration with the three d3 4x4pro media servers was used to import real-time camera effect treatments. In addition, the content versioning system made managing show content a lot easier than it would be on another system.” Saunders also reported that the Mappings feature “continues to be an incredibly powerful way to manage the way content is displayed across the available screens in the system.”

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