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Dafydd Hirst Joins Power Logistics as Power Monitoring Equipment Provider

Picture caption: Power Logistics’ managing director, Mike Whitehouse welcomes support engineer Dafydd Hirst to the research and development team

In an unprecedented step by a temporary event power provider, Power Logistics has announced that all projects the company undertakes in 2019 will be supplied with power monitoring equipment and a post-show energy breakdown report.

This will be the lead element in the portfolio of sustainable initiatives the company undertakes this year. Dafydd Hirst joins the Power Logistics’ research and development team as a support engineer, to spearhead the project.

Installing power monitoring equipment at every event site that Power Logistics is present during 2019 will allow the business to furnish its clients with real-time knowledge and data regarding their energy consumption. This, in turn, will drive increased power and fuel efficiencies which are proven to have a positive impact on an event’s carbon footprint, along with cost efficiencies.

In recent years Power Logistics has invested heavily in power monitoring equipment and training for its engineers. Dafydd will head up the team and travel to event sites during 2019, installing the power monitoring equipment. Monitoring will be ‘live’ during events and adjustments made where necessary. Once the event comes to an end, the data collected will be used to produce a report that provides event organisers with a breakdown of their energy usage.

Mike Whitehouse, Power Logistics’ Managing Director explained: “Offering an effective power monitoring solution to clients has been a key objective for the last few years. Having real-time information on energy usage across all areas of an event site is a powerful tool for event organisers. Until now this has been something that we’ve only carried out on a limited scale and we’ve been able to provide clients and projects with detailed information about energy consumption for main stages, catering concessions and attractions.”

He added: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have Dafydd onboard to oversee the implementation of our power monitoring scheme. His experience in event-based technology is well documented and him being a recognisable face at many of the events where we deliver projects, make him a real asset to the team. Our commitment to providing innovative sustainable power solutions wherever we can is unwavering. Being the first temporary event power company to install power monitoring equipment to all the projects that we undertake during the year, regardless of their size and scale is integral to our 2019 plans.”

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