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Dirk van Poppel talks video mapping

Dirk van Poppel and Ronald Ramakers, Director of GLOW, along with Bernard Gosselink and Robin van der Heiden of Sahara Benelux.

Hosted annually in Eindhoven, Netherlands, GLOW sees some of the world’s leading creatives and specialists in the art of video mapping descend on the city to showcase the very latest in what this visual technique can achieve. Although somewhat of a departure from the typical show that appears in the pages of TPi, we were keen to speak to some of the leading experts to find out the latest developments from this side of the industry. 

As in previous years, the projection equipment for the event was supplied by Sahara Benelux. Two of the centre points of this year’s event were the Main Station and the neighbouring hotel, both of which were draped in projected content produced by Dirk van Poppel from TrackTo. 

Words: Stew Hume

Photos: Christie

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