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Dual Allen & Heath for Brazil’s Top Country Band

One of Brazil’s most renowned country folk bands, Guilherme and Santiago, has begun a new tour of South America travelling with a dLive S Class system at FOH with a GLD mixer on monitors from Allen & Heath.

Formed 20 years ago, the band has released 17 albums, 5 DVDs, and has sold over a million records. The latest tour commenced in São Paulo, at the Villa Country venue.

Provided by PA company, Torau Som e Luz, the FOH dLive system comprises a S7000 Surface with DM64 MixRack, whilst the monitor mixer is a GLD-80.

“We chose dLive for FOH due to its precise dynamics,” explained FOH Engineer Valmar Fernandes. “The audio quality of dLive is second to none.”

“GLD is the perfect choice for monitors,” added Monitor Engineer, Claudinei Monteiro. “The compact size of the mixer make it very practical for touring. GLD manages a total of 46 input channels, 20 outputs and six FX, quickly and with amazing sonic quality.”

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