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EAW Adaptive Systems Arrive in the UK

Since the early 1980s, Eurohire Sound & Light has supplied professional audio and lighting equipment for the events and entertainment industry in the UK.

The company later added staging and backline, providing complete turnkey packages.

From its early years, Eurohire Sound & Light has relied on EAW® loudspeakers, such as the KF850, KF853, and KF760. Recently, Eurohire Sound & Light purchased a large EAW Adaptive™ system featuring Anna 3-way full-range array modules and Otto subwoofer cabinets.

“We looked at the various brands and systems on offer, as we wanted to be sure we purchased a new system that was future-proof, as well as meeting the current needs of our fast-growing business,” said Eurohire owner Mervin George.

“Eurohire has enjoyed great sound and reliability from EAW for many years but we had a very exacting list of requirements to meet. Only EAW Adaptive delivered everything that we were after and more.”

EAW Adaptive systems can assess and perfectly match the three-dimensional performance requirements of any venue. These integrated systems utilize a high-resolution array of discretely powered and processed acoustical devices, in concert with powerful EAW Resolution software, to create optimised results at slow speed, without the need for physical reconfiguration.

Anna array modules deliver Adaptive Performance™ in a high-output, mid-sized enclosure. Anna’s horizontal symmetry ensures coherent summation without anomalies through the crossover regions that result from physically offset acoustic sources. This provides consistent high-frequency dispersion and broadband pattern control in the horizontal plane.

Utilising two Offset Aperture-loaded, high-powered 18-inch woofers paired with independent onboard amplification, processing, and networking, Otto subwoofers extend Adaptive Performance to the lowest octaves of the audible spectrum.

Otto perfectly balances low-frequency coverage with cancellation to suit the user’s requirements-omni, cardioid, hypercardioid, or anywhere in between-from a single module. Combined in arrays, Otto provides users with nearly endless possibilities in low-frequency pattern control.

“Anna and Otto give us amazing sound with excellent coverage and control, delivered using EAW Resolution 2 software,” said George. “The system has many other efficiencies that make it a great investment. Compact size, flat hanging cabinets, fast rigging, ground stacking, and real-time coverage changes-Adaptive has it all. The biggest surprise was to find that a system of four cabinets per side could give us coverage equivalent to seven or eight cabs per side in our old array.”

“Eurohire is a very well established business with a talented young team driving its growth,” said EAW EMEA Sales Director Ken Dewar. “Mervin George is taking the company to the next level by adding Adaptive, and it was a very exacting process to demonstrate to them we could deliver fully on the promise of the new technology. It’s a strategic partnership for EAW, as we now have a large Adaptive system, with a great team supporting it, in the greater London area. This builds on our successes in 2018 with large Adaptive systems in Stockholm, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Oslo, and Belgrade.”

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