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Equinox launches the Clean Sky Index

Equinox Travel launches the Clean Sky Index for frequent flyers.

Equinox has launched the Clean Sky Index, an initiative that empowers clients to control how their travel impacts the environment. The effort allows travel buyers the choice to favour private and commercial aircraft operators when it comes to booking, thus taking concise action towards reducing their travel’s environmental impact.

Through its private charter and full-service travel management units, the UK travel company will demonstrate to clients how prospective operators perform within two specific criteria. The first is net zero initiatives towards emission mitigation from Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) use to offsetting efforts and future tech investment). The second is flight operations toward emissions minimisation, including flight procedures, in-flight performance, and efforts to reduce non-CO2 emissions.

“Beyond carbon offsetting, some of our clients, the end users, are unsure how they can support sustainable flying,” stated Elliot Bottomley, Managing Director of Equinox Charter. “The Clean Sky Index provides our clients continually updated information to support their choices. By choosing sustainable operators, those that are making real and accountable efforts, our clients are empowered to make an immediate impact on greener travel. 

“Empowering client choice is paramount,” he added. “Not all operators are the same and simple differences between them, including how the aircraft is operated, can make a major difference. Every kilo counts!”

Thanks to a combination of publicly available information and active discussions with operators, led by Equinox’s Sustainability Consultant, Douglas Corbett, Equinox found that there are substantial and reliable results for commercial operators. Airline operators including easyJet and Air New Zealand top the commercial assessment, demonstrating strength in a clear mission objective, use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, future technology investment and flight operations procedures and initiatives. Business Aviation assessments demonstrated in general, some ground to cover. Yet, the work of companies like VistaJet and Air Charter Scotland in this segment is encouraging and is beginning to set the standards for others to follow.

The Clean Sky Index forms part of several sustainable travel assessments useful to travellers and buyers of travel, under Equinox’s Enhanced Sustainability Initiative (EESI).

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