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Gear Heads: Claypaky Sharpy X Frame

What was the inspiration for the creation of Sharpy X Frame?

“We relished the opportunity to create an advanced hybrid luminaire featuring a new, powerful 550W discharge lamp. With Sharpy X Frame, we increased the output of preexisting models, made the beam more uniform and we added a professional framing system. This makes the Sharpy X Frame a unit boasting the best features of our Sharpy line while seamlessly integrating all the best features of a typical spotlight in a lightweight, compact lighting fixture.”

How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the research and development process?

“Although we were impacted heavily and lost the business from one day to another, we have never stopped investing into people, innovation, improvement of internal processes and product development. Our R&D team has never stopped working, and in the space of two years, we have introduced over 20 products serving the needs of various applications.”

Claypaky launches Sharpy X Frame

What benefits does Sharpy X Frame bring to the Claypaky Sharpy line of products?

“The Sharpy line is a benchmark in the world of entertainment lighting. Claypaky Sharpy was probably one of the most exploited and best-selling lighting fixtures ever because it offered new effects and a different way of approaching the light design concepts. Producing extremely bright light beams of only 189W, it was also one of the most representative fixtures conceived with a ‘green’ attitude. We can say that the Sharpy X Frame is the most advanced expression of this successful product range. The perfect uniformity of the beam together with the framing system, the endless effects and colour options, the 2° to 52° zoom range and the heavy linear frost for wash effects make this product even more than a hybrid unit: it is a truly multi-function luminaire.”

What has the response been like since the release of the product?

“Hybrid or multifunction fixtures are popular trends in our industry. They allow a considerable return on investments, because with a single fixture you can deliver the best lighting solutions to many different applications and markets. This indirectly entails a positive impact also in terms of green impact and sustainability. Obviously, it is very important to invest into a ‘professional light’, which perfectly enhances all features, and not a simple compromise between features. We have already received extremely positive feedback from the market, and I am sure we will see Sharpy X Frame taken in the most important international productions very soon.”

This article originally appeared in issue #268 of TPi, which you can read here.

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