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Robe lighting overviews its unique and patented TRANSFERABLE ENGINE (TE) LED technology.

What was the initial goal of TRANSFERABLE ENGINE (TE) technology?

“The great benefit of LEDs is their long life. Unfortunately, all LEDs degrade over time, both in terms of output and colour shift. They reach a point when the output has degraded to such a point that it will become unacceptable. Changing an LED light engine was expensive in terms of engine, specialised tools, skills and time. This would usually be carried out at an approved service centre to avoid warranty issues, adding to the cost. LED light engines are purchased as part of the fixture. Frozen in time, with its then available LED technology. To keep up with LED advancement, you must buy a new luminaire. If you need an inherently high CRI source, for example, again, purchase another luminaire. You had no flexibility, and removing an engine meant you had no performance level information. Lastly, lighting manufacturers were at the mercy of engine manufacturers. This creates uncertainty around availability and longevity. Our revolutionary TRANSFERABLE ENGINE TE technology addresses all these issues; cost, time, technological advancement, flexibility, predictable performance, and longevity.”

What are the benefits of TE technology?

“The engine cost is dramatically reduced. Quick to change, in around five to seven minutes, no special tools or skills are needed. Most importantly, no source alignment is required. You only need one fixture for different source applications, an inherently high CRI as an example, because we offer a range of engine types, you simply fit the one you require, giving maximum flexibility. TEs are data capturing and self-referencing, meaning all the engine performance is at your fingertips, either within the fixture or simply sitting on a shelf, via the Robe COM app, giving performance predictability as you transfer engines between luminaires. Finally, we ensure longevity by owning the process. We have designed, developed, patented and manufactured TE within our own factory in Europe.”

What has the response been like?

“Phenomenal! It gave customers the ability to provide consistent light quality across their inventory at low cost while maintaining all the advantages of LED. And with the availability of the new HCF High Colour Fidelity engines, they do not have to purchase extra fixtures for high CRI applications, giving maximum fixture flexibility. That’s the beauty of easy transfer. All our white LED source fixtures are TE compatible – SPOTE, CUETE, ESPRITE, FORTE, and our new Multi-Spectral Light (MSL) T11 Profile, Fresnel and PC with more fixtures to follow.”

How does the Robe COM app benefit end users?

“All the performance data stays with the engine. When installed in a fixture, you simply read the data from the fixture display. To access all engine data when it’s outside the light, stored on a shelf, for example, the Robe COM app, based on Near Field Communication (NFC), gives you complete access. This means you will know the engine performance before installing it in a fixture. It’s simple and very accessible, needing no power to the engine.”

What makes TE a green option for the industry?

“Because TE-based fixtures can be upgraded through their lifetime due to the built-in headroom, engine technology and flexibility, luminaires will last a lot longer. Scrapping of lights will happen less often, meaning reduced waste. The engines are fully recyclable as we have our return for recycling scheme. All these factors contribute to our goal of delivering even great sustainability.”

This article originally appeared in issue #265 of TPi, which you can read here.

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