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Global Infusion Group is One of UK’s Fastest Growing SME Exporters

Tony Laurenson, CEO for GIG

Global Infusion Group (GIG) was ranked 70th in the SME Export Track 100 which ranks the UK’s private, small and medium sized businesses with the fastest growing international sales. It is produced by Fast Track, a firm that researches Britain’s top-performing private companies.

In the report, Fast Track stated that events caterer GIG had grown exports by 48.27%. GIG’s entry in the report continued: “This Buckinghamshire company’s chefs have cooked on the Caribbean island of Martinique and in Moscow’s Red Square. Catering at corporate and sports events – including the Sochi Winter Olympics – as well as for pop stars on world tours helped overseas sales grow to £9.1m last year.”

Commenting on GIG’s Fast Track ranking Tony Laurenson, CEO of GIG, said: “In the run up to 2012 whilst we continued apace with our Global expansion plans, the real focus had been on the London Olympics. From 2013 GIG have concentrated on growing our export market opportunities and the last three years financials upon which this accolade is based show that we have been successful with our efforts.

“We work in the Live Events market place, primarily providing high quality international catering services, know-how and positive can do delivery to Global Touring, Music, Film and TV, Sports Events and Automotive Brands Roadshows. By growing our company’s Global reach we have been able to offer our services to many of the Global Brands and Production Companies with whom we began by supplying in the UK and Europe.”

He added: “Special thanks must go to our two main Operations Directors Mary Shelley-Smith and my partner Bonnie May and their teams for all the hard work and effort that has made this possible. Our GIG Asia office, led by JB Berguerand and Carol Wang, also deserve special praise during a period that has seen us consolidate and grow our market presence. In 2015 we worked on events in over 50 cities in China and seven other countries in the region including Malaysia, Japan, South Korea.

“We would also like to thank UKTI our tax payer funded Government body that exists globally to help UK businesses and our fellow suppliers in the global events market, who we know also often put in more than just a good word.”

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