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GLP Breaks New Ground at LDI 2018

The awards keep coming as GLP stage high-octane product display.

German Light Products’ major league player status was firmly cemented at this year’s LDI Show in Las Vegas in October, where they were awarded the Best Large Booth gong by show organisers, Live Design International.

Citing the company’s “excellent demos and presentation of a wide range of products”. This accolade lined up alongside PLSN Magazine’s Gold Star Award for Best Stage Effect, adjudicated for the Force 120, having picked up a similar PLSN award in 2017 for the JDC1 hybrid strobe. Completing the trio of top nominations was Live Design’s Lighting Product of the Year Award for the JDC1, which was presented during a show in which the GLP booth was packed from beginning to end. It was a fitting way to celebrate the show’s 30th birthday.

These products, and many other groundbreaking FX, were both on static display and incorporated into a mesmerising light show, designed and programmed by Matt Shimamoto of Volt Lites in conjunction with GLP President, Mark Ravenhill.

“We were hugely busy throughout the show and saw a great number of people from across the country and abroad,” confirmed Ravenhill: “We designed a brand new bar which became the central attraction of the booth and was surrounded by eight new product launches, all making their debut, which received a fantastic reaction.”

The product array included GLP impression E350 and S350, KNV Cube and KNV Arc, impression FR1, X4 atom Rackmount PSU and products from distributed brands, Cosmic Truss and Scenex Lighting.

Another change for GLP in 2018 was the adoption of a rolling presentation, whereby customers were presented with one of GLP’s new products at regular intervals without interrupting the collective ambience and hospitality of the booth.

Away from the booth, GLP were present at the inaugural Knights of Illumination Awards, staged in conjunction with the show. They sponsored the GLP Award for Arena, presenting it to LD Andi Watson, a regular user of GLP fixtures, for Radiohead’s W.A.S.T.E Tour 2018.

“It was a massive team effort by everyone responsible for getting the lighting in, up, down and back again,” Mark Ravenhill stated: “Plus, of course, ensuring the customers had full exposure to, and understanding of the ground-breaking attributes of their award-winning suite of products.”

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