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Halestorm Takes to the Stage with Bandit Lites

Photo Courtesy of Bandit Lites

American rock band Halestorm was out on the road with a lighting system supplied by Bandit Lites, blasting audiences with both lead singer Lzzy Hale’s powerful vocals and a deluge of light that matches the ferocity and energy that the Grammy-award
winning band is known for around the world. The tour also wrapped a co-headling tour with Alice Cooper and was out with Godsmack on a fall run.

“As the co-headliner, we had access to the whole air package, however, Alice Cooper had a large set piece that needed to be covered,” said lighting designer Craig Richter. “We had to trim the blackout truss low enough so that I could shoot over it with the US lighting truss, but high enough to not give away the Cooper set.”

To that end, Richter crafted a design with an old school, massive wall of light behind the band. Using custom-built set carts made by Gallagher Staging on a mast in a grid pattern that cranked up to 14′ high, Rogue R1 FX-B fixtures were hung on the base of the carts while Chauvet Maverick Pyxis units were mounted on the upper sections.

“I am really impressed with the Pyxis,” said Richter adding, “their output is great and can cut through some of the other bigger fixtures. The outer ring of the Pyxis works really well with the Robe Halos I have next to them, as well as with the Claypaky B-EYE K20 fixtures. They mimic what I’m doing with both of those other fixtures, while at the same time provide a different overall look for the stage. I am really happy that Bandit was able to purchase these for us and I plan to use them again on future designs.”

To keep the system in sync with the album cycle, Richter and the Halestorm team approached the design with enough changes that would make a noticeable impact to the audience without requiring a lengthy amount of reprogramming songs.

“For me, it all comes down to simplicity,” Richter explained. “I don’t try to reinvent the wheel with crazy effects or pixel mapping of the fixtures. I just stick to some standard positions and colours that complement each other well. When the song calls for it, I add some in your face movement. When it comes to choosing fixtures, I look for diversity as well as bang for your buck, as I need something that can do multiple tasks due to budget and space, so the more the fixture can do the better. At the same time, I also want a variety, since I have yet to find a one fixture that can do everything.”

Bandit Lites supplied more than 140 fixtures including Martin MAC Viper Profiles, GLP X4S, Elation Color Chorus 48, Chauvet Maverick Pyxis, Chauvet Rogue R1 FX-B, Chauvet Nexus 4x4s, Claypaky B-EYE K20s, Robe Halos, Eurolites and a grandMA 2 Full console for control.

“It is not just anyone who can take the practicality and logistics of having a lighting system onccarts and turn it into a design that both complements and accents a band with the stage presence of an artist like Halestorm, but Craig and Tour Manager Mike Mahar pull it off and make it look easy,” said Bandit Lites Business Development Officer Brent Barrett. “Craig’s ability to use both colour and the gear in dynamic and new ways is a demonstration of his talent and ingenuity, while Mike’s habit of ‘dotting every i and crossing every t’ approach to business while prepping for the next step greatly assists in keeping both the client and vendor on the same page, and is greatly appreciated.”

“I have been working with Bandit for about ten years now, and no matter how big or small of a show I send across their desk, it is all taken as serious as if it was the largest production touring the world,” praised Richter. “Bandit helps with every aspect, from final plots to send out for local advance or having a space to set up, program or do full rehearsals, to the simplest things like having more haze fluid or a caster sent out to a show. That goes a long way when you don’t have to track these things down and can just send an email or make a call and have them show up at a show later that week.”

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