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Individual Streaming Solutions by N&M for Cancelled Live Events

Numerous major events, trade fairs and congresses are currently threatened with cancellation: participants are pulling out due to travel restrictions or on account of their personal decision. Event organisers are, therefore, being forced to consider short-term alternatives and respond on behalf of their clients when such an emergency arises.
Hamburg – 3. March 2020

There are, of course, tried-and-tested digital alternatives: what could be more natural, for example, than reaching the target group for a communication event by means of streaming? Anyone unable to travel can still experience the event live. For example, Mercedes Benz promptly moved its press conference to mark the Geneva Motor Show to studios in Stuttgart, enabling journalists to watch the presentation in the form of a live stream.

N&M’s ICT solutions ensure stability, performance and a high level of security: technicians based at the company’s Network Operations Center (NOC) in Hanover monitor the process to ensure trouble-free operation of the IT infrastructure, which was designed by N&M for hybrid and virtual meeting solutions.

A further plus is cross-border “Remote Simultaneous Interpreting” (RSI) from N&M. Whatever the languages involved, this technical platform enables simultaneous interpreting without the interpreter having to be present at the venue. RSI is N&M’s service package for congresses and events held in multiple locations or different countries at the same time – whether organised as hybrid or virtual meetings or as streaming on demand.

Linked via high-performance IT networks, interpreters work with RSI without having to be physically present at the conference venue. The special IT transmission technology and infrastructure is available at N&M’s permanent RSI hub but can also be implemented at any desired congress location. N&M staff on-site install the required equipment and give support to the client.

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