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L8 Challenge

At this year’s ProLight+Sound show in Frankfurt, Germany, L8 LLC will be presenting winners of the 2019 L8 Challenge at their booth, B58 in Hall 12.1.

L8 are providing the opportunity for people to put forth their best design work in L8 and showcase it for the world, if you’re yet to try out L8, you have the whole month to practice.

Along with being seen on the European stage, the winners of the L8 Challenge will be awarded some outstanding prizes, comprised of licenses of the L8 software suites: Unlimited, Trace, Media and Net.

The ceremony and awards will take place Thursday, April 4 at the L8 booth.

“This year’s challenge is for everyone,” said Dmitriy Giventar, the creator and writer of the L8 software.  “On March 1, we will publish a special version on the website which is equal to the NET license of the L8 software, but works for a month free of charge so anyone can create a project up to 512 fixtures using Art-Net or sACN for a patch.”

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