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Let The Music Play Round Two Summary

Let The Music Play took place for the second time on 4 August 2020 with 9,300 total global English language mentions of #LetTheMusicPlay between 3 and 5 August 2020.

This represents a 1000% increase in conversation in the same time period previously. It was trending within the UK on Twitter throughout the day until later afternoon. This was a campaign with global reach – with 44% of conversation occurred in the UK with 26.1% in the US, and conversation also originating from geographies like Netherlands, Japan, Ireland and France. There are now over 120,000 posts on the #LetTheMusicPlay tag on Instagram which saw a 30,000 increase of posts since the initial campaign launch.

The next scheduled campaign for the live music industry is for #WeMakeEvents on 11 August with March’s taking place across the UK including, London, Manchester and Liverpool.

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