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LightShark’s video tutorials now exceed the 100 mark

The LightShark range of DMX-based hardware lighting consoles is now supported by more than 100 video tutorials.

The LightShark range of DMX-based hardware lighting consoles is now supported by more than 100 video tutorials, all of which are designed to help users get the most from these versatile products.

Spanish manufacturer Equipson, the company behind LightShark, has created this exceptional resource so that customers can explore the full functionality of the range. Starting with basic introductory tutorials, the videos take users through numerous features covering topics such as creating groups and palettes through to connectivity with external routers and larger networks. There are also advanced tutorials that cover subjects such as importing fixture profiles, working with LightShark’s built in scheduler and creating complex colour effects.

Juan Jose Vila, COO and CMO of Equipson, said: “Our video tutorials are highly informative and very simple to follow. By delving deeply into the full range of LightShark features, customers can truly explore their creativity and deliver exceptional shows in many different settings.”

LightShark multiprotocol products have already revolutionised the entertainment industry by delivering powerful tools that are not limited by their features. The range includes the LS-1 hardware console with assignable faders and rotary controls, the more affordable LS-Core, the LS-Wing Open Sound Control (OSC) hardware controller and three multiprotocol DMX streaming devices – each supporting a different numbers of DMX universes – that are collectively referred to as LS-NODE.

With LightShark, lighting engineers working in all types of venues – from small theatres to large stadia – can control up to eight DMX universes and 4000+ DMX channels, all completely integrated via smartphones and tablets. In addition, the range is fully compatible with other manufacturer’s equipment because the products work with industry-standard DMX and Artnet lighting protocols, as well as any Operating System (Android Linux, Windows and macOS).

Supporting LightShark with a wide range of video tutorials is in keeping with Equipson’s philosophy that delivering ongoing opportunities for education and learning is vital for the future of AV industry. As a company, Equipson runs free courses from its Valencia headquarters and prior to the pandemic it was training over 900 people a year on specific products and general concepts such as adjusting systems, lighting techniques, the basics of networking and rigging fundamentals.

“Improving education provision is vital for the industry’s future,” Vila says. “It is very important that we develop career paths for young people entering the industry, and therefore we collaborate with educational institutions where we deliver lectures and give students access to our own training facilities. For example the University of Valencia is now offering a degree course relating to the AV industry, which we consulted on and we have also helped set up apprenticeship programs in areas such as service support and product development with four universities and three professional colleges.”

Other educational initiatives funded and delivered by Equipson include a series of 15 training videos that are designed to teach stage technicians the safest way to operate telescopic and front-loading lifters. Voiced in Spanish and English, the aim of these videos is simply to show that, by following the correct procedures, everyone using these products can stay injury-free.

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