TPi Stage

Lockdown Q&A: Dmitry ‘Light Logic’ Velikanov

Light Logic’s Dmitry Velikanov shares his take on the Russian live events sector.

Light Logic has operated in the Russian live entertainment and touring market for over 15 years, specialising in modern lighting solutions, stage design, and technical support. The company has provided equipment and technical personnel for leading TV productions and live concerts in Russia, as well as playing a key role in the development of new projects, such as concert halls, TV studios and theatre installations. Today, Light Logic employs a 100-strong workforce with more than 2,500 fixtures in its arsenal – 1,000 of them Robe.

What projects were you working when the lockdown began?

“Since our company is located in Moscow, we experienced the beginning of the pandemic in the city. Our main activity is related to production for TV and in that moment, we had been working on several TV projects. The volume of our work decreased but did not stop. Under new conditions, we have had to transfer all our office staff to remote work from home and warehouse personnel were called only in an emergency to keep people safe from the risk of infection.”

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your business?

“In the first months of a complete lockdown, the number of projects decreased by 60 to 80%, which also led to the same drop of the company’s revenue. Realising the seriousness of the problem, all our team united. Reduction in salary was taken with understanding. Our industry got in the list of federal financial assistance and, as a big company, we had some kind of reserve funds for such a situation. All these points helped us to stay afloat. Our company was also included in a government aid programme, so we could get passes for our vehicles and employees to move around the city and funds to pay part of salaries. Thankfully, live events restarted from March 2021 as soon as the pandemic situation became better. For now, this is something rather exceptional. Health and safety is still the top priority.”

What health and safety protocols are implemented to ensure the safety of performing artists and technical production crew?

“Mandatory tests for everyone entering the site, masks and gloves always and everywhere, prohibition of handshakes and other forms of tactile greetings. Temperature check every two to three hours for all employees on the site. We equipped all our premises with all the recommended disinfectants and protection products. Recently, we strongly recommend all employees to get vaccinated. If an infected employee is identified, we immediately send them and everyone in contact home for isolation, inform them to call a doctor and take the relevant tests. There is a special protocol which has been developed for such situations. It makes all the related structures work as one system.”

Light Logic’s Dmitry Velikanov.

Why is it important to curate live entertainment experiences during this difficult time?

“In my opinion, people, especially during lockdown, need some kind of break to take a breath and distract from the endless streams of information. And after the break they need hope – the hope of returning to life as before with theatres, public events, etc… We are just trying to revive this.”

What are your goals for in the short, medium and long term?

“In the short term, we want to return to the previous volume of work. Medium term is an increase in the number of projects our company is involved in. Long term is a constant development, updating and increasing our equipment, and expanding into new areas that have appeared as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as virtual studios and online concerts and conferences.”

This article originally appeared in issue #261 of TPi, which you can read here.

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