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Manchester Cathedral Turns Blue for NHS Staff & Key Workers

Manchester Cathedral teamed up with one of its long-standing event production partners,
Sterling Event Group, to illuminate the façade of the magnificent building in a blue hue in a
show of solidarity and support for NHS staff and Key Workers who are going above and
beyond to support our communities at this difficult time.

Richard Bowden, Managing Director at Sterling said: “We wanted to show our support as a
company for the magnificent work our NHS and keyworkers are doing in the battle against
Covid-19. We have a great partnership with Manchester Cathedral and its work in the
community. As a stunning landmark in the heart of our city we are very privileged to be
able to illuminate it.”

At 8pm the display was supported by representatives from the Greater Manchester
emergency services as we clapped for our carers.

The Cathedral was lit using wireless battery powered fixtures only from Sterling’s hire stock, including 24 Chauvet Professional Well Pad and 36 Core ColourPoint fixtures. Finer details were highlighted using Astera AX3 fixtures all controlled wirelessly via an Avolites Quartz. Projection was provided via a single Panasonic RZ21k laser projector rigged portrait.

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