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Matrix UK Solutions has Another Day in Paradise with Phil Collins

Photo: Patrick Balls

Matrix UK Solutions has supplied their PPU, camera systems and LED on the North American segment of the Phil Collins 2018 tour, Phil Collins Not Dead Yet, Live

The Matrix PPU with Ross Carbonite Mixer will work alongside a 7 camera package to ensure optimum artist coverage. These consist of 4 operated cameras using Matrix’s recently purchased Sony HXC 100 EFP cameras. The remaining 3 cameras will include a Sony Robo camera and 2 Marshall lipstick cameras to augment the cut. Camera positioning will include front of house, the pit and stage right hand held. The pit cameras will sit on 60ft of track with Spyder dollies.

The LED consists of a number of different 5.9mm audience screens, all of which are controlled through a Media Server Catalyst using Grand MA2 lite Desks. The main screen will be upstage and proudly display a 12m by 7m image. In addition, there will be a midstage LED Riser, 5 risers with 35 by 5 tiles each and one downstage LED Strip of 27 tiles. To support this there will be two IMAG screens each measuring 8m by 5m.

The main LED – upstage and riser screens will have a mixture of graphics and camera imagery. This will run through Catalyst to provide an appropriate treatment throughout the playlist. The side screens will serve one function – live Camera Relay. In addition to the LED, there will be a projector front of house, this will be used for walk-in as well as a display to show still images of Collins through the years in the music industry.

Matrix’s Ruary Macphie stated: “Matrix has recently invested in a significant quantity of SONY camera systems, four of which will be on this tour. To see these out on the upcoming Phil Collins concerts, along with our PPU is great. The cutting-edge technology along with the LED will provide a superb backdrop with comprehensive clear coverage of Phil and the band, to enhance the audience’s visual experience. Can’t wait to get on the road and bring it all to life.” 

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