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MLA Makes its Mark from Hyde Park to Foyhagen

Foynhagen Festival © Per Christian Hestnæs

Over the years, Martin Audio’s unique MLA technology has proven its ability not only to unite all audiences but at the same time reduce the offsite noise pollution to acceptable levels, thus making challenging festivals and outdoor events viable.

In Tønsberg, 90 minutes outside Oslo, the magnificent Foynhagen has grown into one of Norway’s most important venues for concerts during the summer time. This year they presented a very impressive line up of acts, from Röyksopp, Seigmen, Young Neils, Bo Kaspers Orkester, Cezinando, The Waterboys, Lars Winnerbäck, DumDum Boys and Åge Aleksandersen & Sambandet, among others, in a five-month run of concerts.

In previous years the event has been faced with the challenge of excessive noise pollution outside the venue, with the implementation of various delay systems being used, in an attempt to achieve coverage while keeping leakage to a minimum.

This year, the promoter was introduced to the force of MLA Compact. Inspired by the solution in Hyde Park at British Summer Time, where maximum off-site levels are restricted to 75 dB(A), Spekter AS, the Lillestrøm-based rental company, invested in a complete system consisting of eight MLA Compact elements per side, and four mighty MLX subs. Assisted by Martin Audio’s Scandinavian distributor, Atendi AS, in designing and calculating the venue and outside reduction, this investment immediately proved justified.

Completing the system were 12 Martin Audio LE100 wedges, as well as mics from Sennheiser and Shure, DI boxes from Switchcraft and a Midas Pro 2 FOH – mixer.

The system proved an immediate success. Measuring the outside leakage at certain critical points showed a reduction of 8 dB(A) Leq 15 min as an average, compared to earlier seasons. This same system reached 102 dB(A) Leq 15 at FOH, and with no use of delay systems maintained a close to exact coverage over the entire audience space—thereby uniting the audience and engineers in the same concert experience.

The venue’s chief executive, Jon Terje Johnsen said: “Since the start of Foynhagen in 2014, I have never experienced better sound in Foynhagen, through the entire season.”

“A huge thank you to Spekter AS and Foynhagen AS for trusting in Martin Audio MLA Compact. This kept the audiences happy and the neighbours content.”

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