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An evening with RedNet

Network Audio Is The Future

Since the last RedNet video, the London College of Music has expanded its already monumental RedNet installation to four basement studios, and two 20-machine Mac labs, the new Weston Hall Gallery, Radio Studios and a further 9 studios in their recently built Brentford Campus four miles away, connected to the main facility via Microwave Link.

After the sheer success of our first UWL event,  Focusrite is inviting like-minded audio enthusiasts for an evening of drinks, a live performance based RedNet mixing session, and Panel Discussion with our Special guests James Towler, Will Biggs, Andrew Bourbon, and Will Hoult.

If you have a commercial or educational interest in audio networking, recording high quality audio, RedNet, Dante or RedNet for Pro Tools and work in the broadcast, education, live sound, studio or theatre sectors, then this presentation should not be missed.

The guests

James Towler: Currently working as Steve Winwood’s in house engineer, James utilises his RedNet system as both a studio and live engineer. He has been previously awarded “Recording Engineer of the Year” by the Music Producers guild for the album “Nine Lives”, and has recently engineered the latest Public Image Limited album, “What the World Needs Now”.

Will Biggs: Not many live and studio engineers can say they have constructed a large multiroom recording facility entirely themselves. Will Biggs and Amy Blyth have built Challow Park literally from the ground up, laying concrete, building a large recording hall with Pipe organ, two control rooms and two additional live room spaces with very little, if any help from the outside world! Find out how they refine their workflow with a RedNet system.

Dr. Andrew Bourbon: As a Senior Lecturer at the University of West London, Andrews’s role has been pivotal in the design, implementation and operation of the RedNet system on campus. Since the initial installation, Andrew has gained experience with considerably large-scale RedNet projects at the University, across a wide range of applications.

Will Hoult: Focusrite Audio Engineering’s RedNet Product Manager. Many decisions behind the process of the RedNet range from Generating Product Road Maps to managing the life cycle of the RedNet range lie in Will Hoults’ hands. This is your opportunity to meet the thought process behind the range.

RSVP by emailing with your name, contact number and any guests you may be bringing with you.

The event will be held at University of West London, St Mary’s Rd, London W5 5RF.

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