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Nordic Rentals Invests in Robe

Light Partner’s Johan Kvartborg (left) with Nordic’s Tue Knudsen

Nordic Rentals, one of the largest rental companies in Denmark, has recently made its first major Robe investment with the purchase of 50 Robe MegaPointes and 26 Robe Spiider LED wash beams for rental stock, a decision driven purely by demand explained senior sales and project manager, Tue Knudsen.

“It’s a big investment” said Knudsen. “However, the massive demand for the fixtures enables a quick ROI making the products very attractive.

He also mentioned they had been looking at ways of reducing their annual sub-hired rental cost and owning more of the products is one approach. The Robes were therefore purchased not for a specific project but because they are currently hot products of the moment. “Everyone in Denmark wants MegaPointes and Spiiders!” he declared.

Robe MegaPointes were out of the warehouse door the day after they were delivered by Robe’s Danish distributor Light Partner and are currently not due back until the autumn.

The initial batch of Robe fixtures is servicing some high profile summer tour projects, including singer-songwriter  Rasmus Seebach. His LD Jacob Baekman wanted both Robe Spiiders and Robe MegaPointes on the rig.

They also feature prominently on the summer floor package design for heavy metal heroes Volbeat by LD Niller Bjerrgaard as they blast their way around Europe playing a mix of festivals, headliner shows and a few opening slots for Guns ‘n’ Roses.

Knudsen himself still works as an active LD for a Danish band something he does for fun and to keep his hand in with the latest technologies and techniques. This enables him to really appreciate why certain fixtures are doing well.

Nordic has been a strong industry brand in Denmark for many years and has a rich and colourful history as a pioneer of entertainment technology. There are around 50 full time employees at the moment, plus an extensive pool of skilled freelancers.

The massive audio division and a unique 60 metre wide stage/ roof/decking makes them the largest rental house in the country. The stage is one of the most substantial mobile venues in Scandinavia and is extremely innovative. Packing down into just 7 trucks, it can be built by 12 people.

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