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PPL Donates £75K to Stagehand COVID-19 Crew Relief Fund

PPL bolsters Stagehand COVID-19 Crew Relief Fund with a £75,000 donation.

Further strengthening its commitment to the future of live entertainment and the value placed upon its workers, PPL has stepped in to support the ecosystem surrounding the wider music industry with a donation of £75,000 to the Stagehand COVID-19 Relief Fund.

The news comes following PPL’s significant donation to Stagehand’s COVID-19 Crew Relief Fund in October 2020.

As the roadmap to easing lockdown in the UK gets underway, Britain’s event and concert touring personnel remain unable to return to work in any meaningful capacity. While restrictions on audience gatherings remain in place, skilled crews are left without the opportunity to earn a consistent income. Funding from the recording sector has been invaluable.

To date, Stagehand charity, which was founded by the PSA, has been able to provide some of the 20% of people who have fallen through the gaps in Governmental support with grants of up to £500 for food and housing bills.

Since its launch in September 2020, the Stagehand COVID-19 Crew Relief Fund has helped over 1,500 workers. The Fund has opened a fifth round of applications, made possible with PPL’s generous donation.

Stagehand Chair of Trustees, Mike Lowe stated: “PPL and live event production workers are at opposite ends of the music business. It is so heartening that PPL regard the entire business as one ecosystem and at a time when our sector is on its knees, offers help. PPL was the first major organisation to make a significant donation, helping to raise awareness of the plight, as well as kick-starting the campaign and inspiring other contributions.

“PPL’s most recent donation will continue to help live events crew through these extremely difficult times, and it is a very appreciated endorsement for the work that Stagehand is doing. On behalf of the Stagehand Board of Trustees and the freelance workers who will benefit, our sincere thanks to Chief Executive Officer, Peter Leathem; Director, David Stopps and the entire PPL Board.”

PPL Chief Executive Officer, Peter Leathem added: “The pandemic has been an incredibly tough time for many, but it has also shown our industry at its best. Stagehand, as well as other hardship funds from the likes of the Music Managers Forum, Help Musicians, the Musicians’ Union, AIM and the BPI, has brought the music community together to help those facing financial difficulties. PPL is proud to continue to support these funds. We hope this latest contribution to Stagehand will help crew and production workers while the live industry plans its return.”

The fifth application window for the COVID-19 Crew Relief Fund is now open.

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