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PR Shine at Kankaria Carnival 2017

The Kankaria Carnival 2017, which took place in the Indian city of Ahmedabad (Gujarat), 25-31 December 2017, was brought to life by PR XR330 Beams throughout the seven days.

Local event production company Ananta Stagecraft updated their inventory with 100 XR330 Beams in time for the event. A special timecoded show was designed for the celebrations of Ahmedabad, which was declared India’s first Heritage City.

The show’s highlight was the XR330. Some 40 units were used in the show along with various other fixtures. According to designer, Jay Joshi, the fixture has great abilities, with silent operation and great stability. The colours are extremely bright and their split gel functions impressive, while the Prisms and Gobo wheels were utilised to the maximum. The fixture also delivered an unfocused spot look which was used creatively in the show.

Being a wireless DMX controlled fixture the XR 330 Beams can reach great heights and can be spread along venues without interfering with DMX signals. “We are proud that we have invested in the right fixtures,” said Mr. Joshi. “We have also invested in various other PR fixtures like the XR440 BWS, XR480 BWS and XLED 4022RZ. We look forward to developing great business opportunities with the investments we have made.”

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