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PRG UK: Why apprenticeships matter

PRG UK apprentices.

With a greater focus on introducing new talent to the sector than ever before, PRG UK has revealed two apprenticeships available for application: Live Event Technician (Level 3) and Live Event Rigger (Level 3). 

Both schemes last for three years and are specifically designed to provide applicants with an introduction into the technical delivery of live events.Over the three years, apprentices build a solid foundation of knowledge in the services PRG provides, from familiarising themselves with the basics and functions of technical production equipment in its warehouse, through to learning how PRG events are delivered and receiving hands-on experience with the PRG team. 

As apprentices’ skills and abilities progress, suitable key projects are identified for apprentices to join PRG crews so that they can start to build up a portfolio of events for their CVs. At the end of their three years, PRG apprentices will have a qualification as either Live Event Technicians or Riggers. 

As they look to their next steps, PRG will work with them to consider different avenues to help apprentices find work with the company either in-house or in the wider industry talent pool. Either by offering assistance and guidance should they wish to enter the freelance market; suitable full-time positions within PRG EMEA or a further level of training and development through PRG’s Event Services team, which would result in becoming trainee Event Services technicians. 

“We are always looking to tap into the next generation of talent. After the devastating effect of COVID-19 across the live events industry and its talent pool, we recognise the huge opportunity we have before us to engage with younger people, who have been widely negatively affected by the pandemic. Over the past few years, PRG has sought several avenues to find raw talent locally and to inspire individuals who embody our company values to get their start with PRG,” Leigh Yeomans, Head of People Services at PRG, said.

“PRG has a long history of working with and sponsoring industry education partners throughout the UK, including the BRIT School, Birmingham Ormiston Academy and several other local and national higher and further education organisations,” he added. “These relationships are at the heart for our ongoing mission to inspire a diverse and inclusive talent pool of prospective PRG applicants.”

According to Yeomans, PRG is building a pool of homegrown talent from local communities through apprenticeships, work experience opportunities and school sponsorships. “We are passionate about providing opportunities for young people from all walks of life to realise their potential, ultimately demonstrating that they can have a career in our industry,” he remarked.

Max Reynolds, Rigging Specialist in Event Services at PRG UK added: “Apprenticeships create an option to gain hands-on experience with the assurance that the knowledge gained is being carefully audited to be correct and appropriate to the skill set. Our apprenticeships also give the assurance that the knowledge can be gained safely and in a controlled environment that considers the apprentices lack of experience.”

This practical application is overseen and demonstrated by PRG’s roster of industry specialists, creating a natural mentorship within the team and imparting key lessons on operating in a team and adapting to changing team dynamics and environments. “A common outcome of onsite learning is the understanding that a project can live or die by the strength of communication within a team,” Reynolds explained. “Only by working with other people on a task can you understand how important it really is.”

As the landscape for live events continues to improve, PRG will adapt to new avenues of recruitment as the need for different roles increases; including apprentices, work experience placements, targeted recruitment for skilled positions and incentivising current staff to refer.

“For every singular person on a stage, there is an army of people behind it making the show a reality,” Yeomans concluded. “The event industry is full of people who live and breathe entertainment and the PRG team is certainly representative of that. We’re looking for young people who share in our drive, passion and obsession for the industry and encourage anyone looking to get into the business to share their experience with us.”

Discover more information about apprenticeship opportunities at For enquiries and application details, contact PRG UK at

This article originally appeared in issue #269 of TPi, which you can read here.

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