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RAW Talks Unveils Inspiration Sessions

The RAW Foundation, which jointly produced the AIF’s Drastic on Plastic campaign in which 60 festivals pledged to eliminate single-use plastic, has released the full program for its RAW Talks: Inspiration for ‘pointless plastic’-free event industry which it will deliver on 18 October between 11am and 2pm at this year’s Showman’s Show held at Newbury Showground.

The event, which takes place in the Hub Talks tent, located opposite the exit from the Exhibition Hall to the main Showground, offers a unique opportunity to find out the facts about why plastic is a problem, and what steps events can take to become ‘pointless plastic’ free.

In the Steps toward pointless plastic’ free events session, festival organisers who have taken steps to eliminate plastic share their experience, alongside experts with an overview of what has and hasn’t worked in the industry this season.

The programme also includes a masterclass on values-based marketing with global brand pioneer Ed Gillespie of Futerra agency.

At least 5 suppliers will present their plastic-free or plastic smart solutions and services to participants, including Envirocup, Green Goblet, FRANK Water, and Ohoo, an innovative packaging solution for drinks.

The final session goes behind the scenes in the waste industry with Jonathan Taylor from Grist Environmental, to look at what actually happens to event waste and bust some myths.

Organiser of the Showman’s Show, Lance Show & Publications Limited, has lent its support and provided a venue for the sessions to delivered at the event. The organiser has demonstrated a commitment to tackling the issue of single-use plastic having implemented several initiatives to reduce its own usage.

This includes encouraging all contractors, exhibitors and visitors to bring along their own reusable water bottles and cups. Indeed, every exhibiting company will be provided with a stainless-steel bottle, at Lance Show & Publications Limited’s expense, these are being supplied by sister company to RAW Foundation, RAW Bottles.

They are also working closely with vendors in their own catering outlets to ensure they use recyclable or compostable packaging where possible and have requested that one off plastic water bottles and drinks are kept to a minimum. In addition, in partnership with their registration company, attendees will be encouraged to recycle the plastic wallets from their ID badges when leaving the show on Wednesday, these will be recycled for the following day and future events.

Showman’s Show, event director, Johnny Lance said: “Our aim is to eliminate single-use wherever we practically can and encourage our exhibitors to do the same. We’re thrilled to be supporting the RAW Foundation and hosting a dedicated session of RAW Talks for the event industry. It’s something that more and more organisers are looking at and we’re hoping that many of them will be able to attend the session and take home some practical tips for moving forward.”

 Melinda Watson added: “The Showman’s Show team have demonstrated real leadership in their approach to plastics this year and we are delighted to be presenting the RAW Talks sessions at this event. There are easy steps that can be taken to tackle single-use at events, many of which result in better audience experiences.”

RAW Bottles, sister company of the RAW Foundation will also be exhibiting at the Show. RAW Bottles provides high-quality stainless steel drinking bottles. Clients have included Glastonbury, Shambala, the AIF, Port Elliot, Boomtown and Cropedy Festival to name a few. Profits from RAW Bottles help to support the foundation’s campaign work on plastic pollution and fund free-to-use resources for events such as the Making Waves Guides.

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