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Resounding Success for Brompton Technology at ISE 2020

Brompton Technology has hailed ISE 2020 a success, after giving visitors to this year’s exhibition the first European showing of its Dynamic Calibration technology as well as launching its latest LED processor, the Tessera S8.

“Our demonstration stations were a big draw and the reaction to the Tessera S8 has been very encouraging,” commented Brompton’s Senior Business Development Manager, Rob Fowler. “But the reactions to our presentations of Dynamic Calibration, the enabling technology for Brompton’s HDR solution, were truly astounding.”

The Tessera S8 is a cost-effective solution for high profile projects that do not require the large output capacity of the award-winning Tessera SX40 processor, but still want to benefit from the flexibility of Brompton’s industry-leading Tessera feature set and easy-to-use software to produce stunning results.

Dynamic Calibration takes a unique and revolutionary approach to calibrating LED panels: maintaining uniformity while unlocking the full potential of the LEDs to achieve previously unattainable levels of brightness and colour saturation. Dynamic Calibration is the enabling technology for Brompton HDR – brighter whites, higher contrast ratios, more saturated colours, and true-to-life colour accuracy contribute to a vastly increased level of image depth and realism. Together with new, performance-enhancing features such as PureTone and ThermaCal, the overall result is a huge step forward in visual performance.

“We think HDR is a game-changer,” said Josh Perlman, Director of LED for US rental and staging company, WorldStage. “We were one of the first companies to sign up to buy a Hydra camera system as a rental and staging house. We can’t wait to get it and upgrade our entire inventory to [make use of] HDR.”

“I’ve been doing LED screens since 1998 – that’s pretty much half my life,” added digiLED Technical Director Tom Mudd. “These days it’s not very often that I stand in front of a screen and go ‘wow!’. My most recent ‘wow’ moment was seeing the HDR capabilities of Brompton processors.”

Dynamic Calibration is enabled after panels are measured with Brompton’s Hydra system; an all-in-one advanced measurement system custom-designed for LED panels and exclusive to Brompton Technology. And Dynamic Calibration is not just for new panels, it can give existing panels using Brompton’s Tessera R2 card a new lease of life.

“HDR is what everyone wanted to see,” concluded Dan Hamill, Director of UK video rental company, 80six, whose LED screens also graced Brompton’s ISE stand.

“When it comes to image quality, our clients are always looking for the best and they are now able to experience the benefits of viewing HDR content on our rental LED rental products. With the help of the Hydra camera, and coupling that with Brompton’s advances in HDR capabilities, it now enables us to offer our clients an enhanced viewing experience using the same LED technology that we have used in the past. At 80six, we’re looking at other ways to give our existing and older products a new lease of life and achieve an LED screen’s full potential. Brompton has put a lot of work into that. You could really see that on the stand; the panels that we provided for them, which were Brompton recalibrated for HDR, looked amazing.”

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