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ROE Visual Presents the Ballast Calculator

Always looking to improve its service and to enhance user convenience, ROE Visual has developed a ballast calculator. The purpose of the Ballast Calculator is to help adding the right amount of ballast on your stacked LED screens.

When you are building large video walls, one of the most prominent challenges is to do this safely. Even if you use the official ROE Visual LED stacking systems, in most cases it’s necessary to add extra ballast. Not all AV technicians are aware of the total weight a complete LED screen can amount to and what forces this can generate, even if you use it indoors.

For ROE Visual it’s of paramount importance that its customers are aware of these factors and can build their LED wall safely. “Creating awareness on safe working practices is one thing, we frequently touch on these issues in the ROE Academy training sessions, but with this simple calculating tool we actually help the AV technicians making their job simpler and safer”, commented Luc Neyt, Deputy Director Sales and Service Center.

Available in no less than six languages, the ROE Visual Ballast Calculator offers ballast information for a broad range of ROE Visual LED panel types, such as the Carbon series, Black Onyx, Black Pearl and Sapphire, but also the newly added panels Vanish V8 and Ruby.

Just enter the panel type, the required size of your video wall, the amount of stacking rear trusses used and the amount of ballast needed for your stacking system will be automatically calculated. All available types of stacking system are added to the ballast calculator.

“The calculator works fairly simple, but it’s the complex calculations, testing and structural analysis that are behind the results that are the true worth of this Ballast Calculator. No other LED manufacturer has put so much effort and attention to these vital details. In the end it makes all the difference as to why working with our products is so easy and safe” added Greg Hu, Product Director for ROE Visual.

The ROE Visual calculator is only valid in indoor situations and cannot be used for outdoor conditions. ROE Visual can refer to its whitepaper on wind loading for outdoor conditions for those who are interested to learn more on this topic.

Although the results are based on an in-depth structural analysis, the Ballast Calculator can never replace a structural calculation, in some cases this might be required by the local authorities. So always check what local or regional standards and regulations do apply.

At the moment ROE Visual is working hard to extend the Ballast Calculator with calculations for the Air Frame.

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