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Sound Means: NEXO opens new distribution channel in Spain

NEXO forms new distribution arrangements with Sound Means now handling the brand in Spain.

NEXO has formed a new distribution channel in Spain, with the appointment of Sound Means to represent the brand.

Headquartered in Barcelona, Sound Means is a completely new company, created with the specific purpose of bringing NEXO products and expertise to the Spanish market. It is spearheaded by Jordi Vaquero, who has worked closely with NEXO for more than 10 years.

Representatives from both companies will attend the AFIAL AV trade fair in Madrid 5 to 7 October. “Sound Means will be exclusively committed to the distribution and promotion of the NEXO brand in Spain,” explained Vaquero. “With 100% of our effort focussed on NEXO products, we offer a unique level of specialisation to customers and users, as well as being in the best place to establish a homogenous commercial policy throughout our territory.”

Vaquero confirms that Sound Means will have a presence in Madrid as well as its head office in Barcelona, and will be creating a national dealer network with exclusive agents to improve NEXO’s commercial and technical support in every region of Spain.

“We believe that the potential for NEXO audio solutions stretches across many different sectors, from hotels to art galleries, and we are keen to partner with interior designers and engineering firms to consolidate our opportunities in fixed installations. We are seeing a resurgence of live events here, with companies getting back to work and new players arriving in the market. It’s exciting to be in this position at the start of a new era!”

Confirming the appointment, NEXO’s European Sales Manager Celso Papadopulos promised “a fresh team committed to giving great attention and support to NEXO users all over the country, and a direct channel delivering our engineering expertise to new customers.”

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