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Steinigke Showtechnic Cancels Participation in Prolight+Sound 2020

Steinigke Showtechnic will not participate at Prolight+Sound in May 2020. With the cancellation, the manufacturer follows the recommendations of the German health authorities.

“It is with mixed feelings that we announce today that we will not participate in Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt in May 2020”, said Matthias Schwab, Managing Director of Steinigke Showtechnic. “Since the beginning of this fair, we have been represented there every year so far. But the belated date in May is a difficult time for our customers as well as for us in terms of organization. Many of our customers have informed us in the past days that they will not be able to visit the fair. In addition, it is still completely unclear whether the situation regarding the health risks to our employees and partners will have changed significantly by then.”

Following the recommendations of the German health authorities, it was that the decision was made not to participate in this year’s Prolight+Sound. However, the company stands behind the industry unwaveringly and will continue to demonstrate this in the coming weeks.

Schwab concluded: “We will stand firmly by our customers and partners in the coming weeks, which will be marked by the expected negative consequences of many event cancellations. Furthermore, Steinigke Showtechnic will ensure with a comprehensive information offer and best possible service that customers and partners will not suffer any disadvantages by not attending the fair.”

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