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Symphotech Receives UK Government’s Culture Recovery Fund Loan

Symphotech celebrates successful application to the second round of the UK Government’s Culture Recovery Fund.

Arts Council England and DCMS has confirmed that Symphotech has been awarded a grant as part of the second round Cultural Recovery Fund. The company launched its ‘Recover & Reopen’ programme to support the industry work towards re-opening, with over 110 organisers accessing their free webinars, presented in partnership with Association of Festival Organisers (AFO).

Peter Knott, Midlands Area Director, Arts Council England said: “We’re pleased to be investing in Symphotech through the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund, giving them the opportunity to plan for the future and offer important support to the live music and the events sector as it prepares for reopening.

“The Government’s package is hugely welcome, providing much of the sector with resources to reopen safely. Rebuilding a thriving cultural sector at the heart of communities is a vital part of helping the whole country to recover from the pandemic. Now that we’re hopefully on the road to recovery, there is much to look forward to as organisations get ready to reopen their doors, welcoming back audiences and making plans for the future.”

In addition to the delivery of webinars, Symphotech offered personalised, comprehensive services to guide event organisers and venues through the complexities of hosting COVID safe events.

Julian Spear, Symphotech founder and Chairman, commented: “The ongoing support from Arts Council England is a fabulous boost for the team at Symphotech, our clients and the wider sector and it’s great to see many of our industry colleagues also receiving help during these difficult times. Events businesses still face a challenging Summer as together we all monitor progress along the Government’s roadmap to recovery. We remain cautious but optimistic.”

Spear added: “The first round of funding underpinned our work with the AFO, with a series of pro-bono ‘Recover & Reopen’ consultations and webinars. This second round of funding allows us to continue supporting an extended network of organisers and clients, in creating Covid-safe contingencies, as they look to reopen this summer.”

Further events are in the planning stages with Symphotech director Eddy Grant joining an expert panel discussion organised by the South Coast Events Forum in April. The company is looking to support DCMS pilot events to help test Covid-safe protocols for events and welcomes the DCMS #HereForCulture grants campaign.

Symphotech delivers health and safety, production and procurement, as well as noise management services to events, venues and brands. A team of qualified event specialists: dedicated to helping clients deliver safe experiences, applying extensive knowledge and experience of working within live events.

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