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TiMax Appoints Votec Kft.

Out Board’s Dave Haydon (second left) with (from left to right) Votec’s Sándor Elek, Lajos Pánczél and Otari Tsereteli

UK-based specialist in immersive spatial audio for performance, presentation, and AV installation experiential markets, Out Board, has appointed Votec Kft. to distribute TiMax SoundHub spatial audio and showcontrol processors and TiMax Tracker performer tracking systems throughout Hungary.

The relationship was triggered by owner Sándor Elek’s passion for groundbreaking audio products and is reinforced by Votec’s in-depth technical experience of delivering high-end live sound for events and installations.

Votec founder Sándor Elek commented on the new relationship, “We had a productive workshop session with Dave Haydon here in Szeged and are very pleased to distribute the impressive TiMax range of products in Hungary. It is a product that has a great deal to offer theatres and AV installations here, and the key for us now is to focus on educating our customers about its unique benefits.”

Out Board director, Dave Haydon, added: “TiMax sits best with sales and support partners who share our passion for leading-edge spatial reinforcement and immersive audio – Votec’s technical knowledge, depth and contacts, coupled with a solid customer support ethic, makes them a natural fit. Its investment in TiMax demo systems has already borne fruit with new projects already pencilled in.

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