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Vision Tools Invests in AV Stumpfl RAW Servers

Vision Tools, the Hamburg based AV rental and distribution company, recently purchased five Wings Engine RAW and one Wings Engine Stage media server from AV Stumpfl.

The RAW server is currently the only system of its kind that can handle four simultaneous streams of uncompressed 4K content at 60 fps.

By investing in the award winning RAW server system, vision tools gives its international customers the ability to use 120fps content, or even content with a colour depth of up to 12 bit. In addition to its head office in Hamburg, Vision Tools also maintains offices in Frankfurt, Munich and Amsterdam.

Vision tools CEO Stephan Schlueter shared his insights into the growing importance of uncompressed content in the AV world:

“We made this investment because our customers increasingly want to realise high-quality 4K feeds. And vision tools as a professional rental partner for high-end video equipment wants to offer this premium technology because it is becoming evident that the market is evolving towards uncompressed 4K video.”

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