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WIL ask for a global gathering of information this IWD

Women in Lighting are asking everyone to fill out a global gathering of information.

Here’s the full statement from WIL:

This year the WIL project isn’t bringing you an event. Instead, we call upon you to help us create a global gathering of information by completing our survey.

The theme for this years International Women’s Day is #Embrace Equity and with this survey, we hope to do just that. We want to embrace equity in regard to working practice in all aspects of the lighting industry.

In order to embrace it, we need to investigate it. Our hope is that this global gathering of data will not only highlight where equity is problematic but also where it is positively thriving.

This anonymous survey originates from WIL but it’s for everyone. We want everyone to join in because we only get better together.

The more responses we get, the better the end data so please share this with all your colleagues and friends in lighting.

To join the Global Gathering, click here.

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