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#WWT for Mandela Centenary Celebration

On the 18 July 2018, in celebration of 100 years of Nelson Mandela and in support of the Elders #WalkTogether Campaign, the first-ever global showcase for women in the event production industry will take place, #WomenWalkTogether (#WWT).

The Elders are a group of independent global leaders founded by Mandela, with the mandate to “support courage where there is fear, foster agreement where there is conflict, and inspire hope where there is despair”.

A total of 5 #WWT events in five countries will be led by female production showcase teams, including South Africa (Johannesburg), India (Bangalore), UK (London), Guinea (Boke) and Brazil (Sao Paolo). All events will be connected on the day, creating a groundbreaking and powerful global platform to support visibility and inspiration for female technicians on the frontline of the industry.

Alongside the film and TV production environment, the live event production industry has had a long history of mistreatment and non-recognition of women, at times resulting in bullying, violence and even death. Despite this, millions of extraordinary and inspirational women have been pioneering excellence in the face of adversity throughout the event production industry.

The ground-breaking #MeToo and Time’s Up movements have laid the foundation to mark the end of global silent suffering. As we now move forward together, it is time to celebrate and support the incredible female production talent that exists all over the world, and inspire new generations of young women for the future.

In the biggest ever international response to support women in the event production industry, event production specialists, artists, venues, inspirational local and global organisations are joining the #WWT Community as one united global voice through this historic and ground-breaking international showcase.

The global WWT Community are delighted to announce three simple ways to get connected and join the worldwide inspiration:

#1 JOIN THE COMMUNITY – Calling all women, men, individuals, groups and organizations – everyone is welcome! Connect to our social media platforms and share across your networks. We invite everyone to join us in our global celebration on the day via our facebook platform.

#2 SEND A PICTURE – The WWT community is here to support visibility to all women in production and would love to give platform to you and your group. Send a picture and a message describing your group to our official channels and we will share with the community.

#3 CELEBRATE A WOMAN – Event production specialists, artists, venues, local and global organisations are nominating inspirational female production crew working behind the scenes that deserve recognition for their inspirational work. All ages, all skills – join in this worldwide celebration as we give full global visibility to these unsung heroines! Send in a picture and description of yourself, and a picture of your WWT nominee with the reason you are nominating them to our official channels and we will share with the community.

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