Backup Tech honours supporters for fundraising initiatives

Backup Tech acknowledges the individuals whose dedication and adventurous spirit have helped to bolster the charity’s fundraising efforts.

“We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has gone above and beyond to support our cause, from the passionate participants to the generous donors and committed supporters,” commented Backup’s Jess Allan. “Together, we can truly impact the lives of individuals within our industry.”

November saw ‘Black Hole – End of Time,’ by award-winning lighting designer and musician, Paul Alty, return. Over three nights, the event raised funds for Backup Tech as well as the host venue, Old Christ Church in Liverpool. Paul’s dedication to fundraising resulted in a generous donation.

Greg Westwood took on the challenge of 100km ultra run from Putney in Southwest London to Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire in just one day this September in support of Backup. “We are an industry of friends and friends of friends,” he noted. “Friends look out for each other when they struggle or get sick. Be it mental health or physical illness, that’s where Backup comes in.” Frustratingly for Greg, he had to pull out at the 78k mark, which is still a massive achievement, and he raised a fantastic amount of money. He is determined to complete 100k and is already training for 2024.

Sherry Coenen embraced the challenge of the Brownsea Island Swim, due to take place in July, with unwavering determination. Her training at Elswick Pool in Newcastle and steadfast dedication to swim the 4.5k training swim across Dorset’s Swanage Bay epitomise the tenacity and commitment fuelling Backup’s aspirations. The swim was cancelled due to bad weather, but she also raised a great amount for the charity.

Chrissy Holloway embarked on a journey scaling Snowdon, Wales’ highest peak, on June 13th. “Chrissy’s hike in support of Backup and another charitable cause exemplifies remarkable resilience, reinforcing our collective mission to overcome challenges encountered by industry peers,” explained Allan.

The industry-wide #bikefest2023, advocating for #WeMakeEvents and various charities, including Backup Tech received tremendous support. Organised by#WeMakeEvents, this four-day ride, which started in Valencia and covered approximately 100km of the Mediterranean coastline each day, arriving at the Grand Fira in Barcelona in time for the start of ISE.

Jess concluded, “We are immensely grateful for the incredible efforts of Chrissy, Sherry, Paul, Greg, the countless companies that have supported us including Stage Electrics with their Steptember fundraiser and IPS’s Dragon Boat Race, along with the entire community that rallied behind our cause this year. These individuals have showcased exceptional determination and altruism, highlighting the strength of our community and support. Their contributions have been instrumental in advancing the continuous work we do to help the industry.”